Revd. Stephen Roose Hughes

1815 - 1862

Every year, on the 4th February,  a service is held in St. Gallgo’s to commemorate the  man who was rector of the Parish at the time of the “Royal Charter” shipwreck disaster in 1859 Revd. Steven Roose Hughes.  Exhausted from the huge amount of work the rector carried out, he died a young man on the 4th February 1862.


2013 commemoration of Revd Stephen Roose Hughes


Each year the service is greatly enhanced by the input from pupils from Ysgol Gymuned Moelfre, many of whom can be seen standing close to the grave of the former rector

2008 Stephen Roose Hughes Memorial

The services are led by pupils from Ysgol Gynuned MOELFRE Community School. The children choose and lead the hymns which are interspersed with presentations by the school in Welsh and English on the subjects of: The "Royal Charter", Rev. Stephen Roose Hughes and Charles Dickens and the "Shipwreck" story in his book 'The Uncommercial Traveller'.


More info:

North West Wales History - Rev Stephen Roose Hughes

North West Wales History - Royal Charter film